People generally get
scared when they come to know about a visit to Israel. It has been more than
1500 year different religious communities have fought for this holy piece of
land. Political turmoil has also destroyed the harmony of the place. Tourists
are never targeted by the terrorists. There are breathtaking monuments from the
World War II memorial to biblical ruins.
Prior to Columbus,
Jerusalem was considered as the center of the world. Jerusalem is the place for
long standing war between three great religions. The city thus has been
destroyed several times and was again rebuilt. This is a place for more than
30000 inhabitants. The place has a long Ottoman wall of 2 mile length. During the
visit to this region travellers found that the place is prone to endless
struggles. The city is divided into four sectors – Armenian, Christian, Jewish
and Muslim. But the glory and fanatics of the city does not lie within the old
walls. Beyond these walls lies Jewish neighborhood Mea She’arim. The religious
scene is a bit complicated for the tourist depending on their religion.
Generally the Christians have a more indulgence for the Jesus tomb, on the
other hand the Catholics prefer the Holy Sepulchre. The holy church
of Sepulchre is situated on the summit of Golgotha, a place where Jesus
Christ was crucified. Different types of religious communities run chapels like
the Greeks, Armenians, etc. So, getting your hands on the best package of tours
to Jerusalem is a must for all globe
While walking through
the walls of Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the tourists just need a passport. This is
the place where Jesus was born. When tourists arrive here they find that
Bethlehem has turned into a proper and leading city of Palestine. This town
does not look pretty as the town is totally under the cover of security. This
city has got a special force of energy and is mostly cool during the dusks.
There is a colorful Arabian market. Though this is a pure Arabian city yet
there is mix of Muslim and Christian culture. The Muslims consider Jesus as a
prophet and Mother Mary is also very much respected. In Quran there is a
special chapter written on them. The terrorists have also made their presence
in this part of the word. But beside these controversies mantis-tours-tours
to Jerusalem is always worthy.
The tour company
generally starts its tour by providing a splendid view of Temple Mount at the
city of Jerusalem. Generally after completing the visit the tourists head
towards the Kidron Valley for the view of this majestic Mount of Olives. There
is also a church of all nations. To access the old city the tourist has to go
through the Gate of Zion, passing by the Armenian quarters near the Byzantine
Cardo. Afterwards the tourists continue through this Jewish Quarter. During the
entire tour we come across the Christian Quarter alongside the Via Dolorosa,
the Stations of the Cross and the church of the holy Sepulcher. After paying a
visit to the Muslim market in the Muslim quarter the tourists head towards
Bethlehem. Covering the Bethlehem the tourists returns back to the hotels.
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